Aunque cada Foil Drive viene con todo lo necesario para empezar, ofrecemos una gama de diferentes accesorios que le permiten personalizar su piloto y hacer pequeños cambios para adaptarse mejor a sus necesidades específicas.
Desde herrajes de montaje hasta colaboraciones de marcas personalizadas, lo tenemos todo.¿No encuentra lo que busca? Pruebe en la sección Reparaciones.

Mejora de la hélice de tres palas
Looking for just a little more torque to get out of the water easier?
Designed to increase low end thrust, the Three Blade Propeller Hub is an optional upgrade for Foil Drive Assist PLUS units, a game changer for riders pushing the limits of rider weight, board size and foil size.
When compared to the standard Two Blade Propeller system, the NEW Three Blade Propeller system improves performance by:
- Increased low end thrust
- More torque at lower RPM, avoiding propeller cavitation under high load
- More effective surface driving when the props breach the surface
- A smoother, quieter ride
It is specifically designed for riders who require more low end torque, whether this is due to using a low volume board, a smaller or higher aspect foil than normal, or being a heavier rider.
We do not recommend using the Three Blade Propeller Hub for prolonged efoiling at full throttle as this will drain your battery much quicker, and could cause the electronics to overheat and enter thermal protection mode.
- Not compatible with Foil Drive Assist. While they do fit, these propellers require the higher RMP of the Assist PLUS in order to improve performance.
-Three Blade Propeller Hubs must be used with three propellers!
Note for Existing Propellers: If you have any damage to your propellers, we recommend you consider the full set with three fresh, balanced propellers. Unbalanced propellers may cause vibration and damage to your system.

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