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Aunque cada Foil Drive viene con todo lo necesario para empezar, ofrecemos una gama de diferentes accesorios que le permiten personalizar su piloto y hacer pequeños cambios para adaptarse mejor a sus necesidades específicas.

Desde herrajes de montaje hasta colaboraciones de marcas personalizadas, lo tenemos todo.¿No encuentra lo que busca? Pruebe en la sección Reparaciones.

Adaptador de mástil universal Foil Drive

The NEW Universal Mast Adaptor is made of a soft, flexible material that can de-form around your mast to create a solid and secure connection for your motor.

Universal Motor Pod Not Included, this is the Adaptor ONLY. If you need the External Universal Motor Pod as well. Note: If you have a Universal Motor Pod from and existing Custom Mast Adaptor, it is compatible with the Universal Mast Adaptor!

The unique design features  six sized "keys"  that are to be installed into the front of the adaptor to allow for fitment of all different sizes and shapes of mast between 90mm and 150mm.

The user will need to fit and test the different keys to find the correct one for their mast and the taper of the position you would like to mount your motor.

It is important the key you select is the correct size, to still allow a clamping force of the two halves. We highly recommend watching the installation video.

Note: A very small number of masts exceed the 150mm limitation and require a custom mast adaptor. Known masts include:

- Neil Pryde Glide Wind


1x Large Nose Adaptor Piece
1x Small Nose Adaptor Piece
1x Rear Adaptor Piece
6x Keys (Various Sizes)

Universal Motor Pod (Outer Pieces) NOT Included


Universal Motor Pod

 Weitere Bezahlmöglichkeiten

Todo el conjunto del Adaptador Universal de Mástil Foil Drive sobre fondo blanco.
Adaptador de mástil universal Foil Drive Angebot€59,02

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