Baterías y cargadores
The Lithium-Ion Battery Cells used in the Foil Drive systems feature thehighest energy density available while maximising the power output, runtime and performance of the system. This means we really are packingas much as we can into such a small space!
Cada uno de nuestros kits de asistencia es compatible con sus propias baterías Foil Drive, que ofrecen diferentes ventajas para distintos casos de uso: la autonomía, la potencia, el peso y la compatibilidad son variables clave.

Foil Drive 28v Battery Charger - Assist PLUS
110-240v Lithium Battery Charger for your Foil Drive Assist PLUS Battery.
Please select correct charger to suit your battery - This charger is for 28v Batteries ONLY
Assist PLUS battery requires a 28v charger.
Chargers are available in both AU or a US plug type, please specify which you require. EU or EU customers can purchase this product variant.
Do not use other chargers with your Foil Drive Batteries, do not modify the battery or charger in any way.
Chargers now have a V2 Battery Adaptor Heat Shrunk on the connection end. If you have a V1 Assist PLUS battery and require a new charger, this adaptor can simply be removed to reveal the V1 plug type.

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