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Baterías y cargadores

The Lithium-Ion Battery Cells used in the Foil Drive systems feature thehighest energy density available while maximising the power output, runtime and performance of the system. This means we really are packingas much as we can into such a small space!

Cada uno de nuestros kits de asistencia es compatible con sus propias baterías Foil Drive, que ofrecen diferentes ventajas para distintos casos de uso: la autonomía, la potencia, el peso y la compatibilidad son variables clave.

Assist Battery 12ah Battery

Additional or replacement Lithium-Ion battery for the Foil Drive Assist system only.

This product currently has a longer 3 week production lead time, please contact us for confirmation.


Grab another battery for when the waves keep pumping and you've got a little more to give! Paddle or motor back to the beach, grab a sip of water, refresh the zink, plug a fresh battery in and get back out there for round 2.


The battery is purpose designed, built, and tested especially for the Foil Drive Assist system. Every battery has been carefully manufactured and extensively tested in house, featuring a built-in Battery Management System (BMS) to ensure safety. The BMS manages the charge rate, balance of the individual cells, low and high voltage cutoff, internal resistance and temperature monitoring.


Each spare battery is shipped at storage voltage.


1x Assist Battery
1x Lipo Safe Bag






Assist Battery 12ah Battery
Assist Battery 12ah Battery Angebot€441,49

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